CST for Infants

$2600 USD
42 hours – six days
9:00-5:00 Monday – Saturday
All classes are taught in English
All classes are taught in Portland, Oregon

March 10-15, 2025
June 23-28, 2025
– waiting list
August 11-16, 2025
October 20-25, 2025

CST for Infants Class Description:

The work I do with infants is efficient, powerful and lasting. I have seen amazing results. There are so many infants who would benefit from this therapy and so few people to treat them. I believe that if infants get early treatment they are more likely to realize their life’s potential and less likely to need ongoing care.

Very few CST training programs offer any infant treatment instruction. I teach from decades of experience, the midwifery model of care perspective and the baby’s point of view. I am passionate about getting these vital skills into the hands of people who can help babies and their parents/caregivers. I believe that the beginning of life is where the work should begin.

Most CST training programs require people to learn how to treat adults before they allow people to learn pediatric techniques. It is actually easier to do it the other way around. I wish I had learned infant CST first and then built on those skills to treat older children and adults. Of course, when I started treating babies 30+ years ago there were no infant CST classes available. I had to figure it out on my own — adapting what I was learning about adults to the infants I was actually seeing.


Subtle Hands-On Skills with Carol Gray is the prerequisite for this class.

In addition, students must be licensed, certified or student health professionals (CMT, CNM, CPM, DC, DDS, DO, IBCLC, LAc, LDEM, LM, LMT, MD, ND, NP, OT, PA, PT, RN, SLP, etc.) or otherwise legally entitled to practice touch therapy. Students may also register if they have instructor approval. Ask me.

While not required, students are encouraged to receive at least one craniosacral therapy treatment prior to taking this class.


This six-day class includes an infant anatomy review plus lectures, demonstrations and lots of supervised hands-on practice with babies from newborns to new crawlers. Each student treats four babies during the class and all student treatments are case reviewed by the group. In order to maximize learning success, class enrollment is limited to eight students.

Graduates of this class are eligible to participate in Free Infant CST Clinics in Portland. Graduates are also eligible to participate in monthly CST for Infants – Virtual Case Reviews.

By the end of this six-day class you should be able to:
  • Describe the differences between infant and adult anatomy
  • Describe typical infant motor skill and social/emotional development
  • Identify the effects of gestational development and the birth process
  • Identify and describe infant reflexes
  • Help babies who have feeding difficulties, torticollis, plagiocephaly, reflux and other common concerns
  • Conduct an interview with parents/caregivers to gather a health history and identify treatment goals
  • Teach parents how to engage their babies in therapeutic activities at home
  • Demonstrate sensitive palpation skills
  • Use assessment techniques to identify infant body areas that would benefit from treatment
  • Locate and release physical, energetic and emotional restrictions
  • List clinical considerations
  • Confidently provide treatments for newborns through early crawlers
  • Know when to refer an infant to a different practitioner
  • Collaborate with other infant health care professionals
  • Make a big difference in the lives of the babies you treat
What’s next? After this class you are eligible for:

Students who are registered for in-person classes are required to agree to and abide by the Carol Gray Center for CST Studies COVID-19 Safety Protocols.

The Reading List for This Class

We encourage you to contact us if you would like to be placed on a waiting list for any classes. Our Waiting List Policy.

Please feel free to check in with us if you have questions.

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