These classes are designed for people who want to learn CST skills for treating pregnant, laboring and postpartum people.
This class is the required prerequisite for CST for Infants, Supporting Emotional Release and CST – The Basics.
The osteopathic manual therapy assessment and treatment skills taught in this class form the foundation for my other classes. I have elected to teach these skills first, but they are not necessarily beginner skills. Some of these skills are taught at the more advanced levels in other Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation programs. Some of these skills I have developed myself and are exclusive to this class. What you learn in this class will blend with and enhance CST skills learned elsewhere. This class is the perfect next step after the three-day Subtle Hands-On Skills class. It’s a general Craniosacral Therapy class for people who want some tools for treating adults (not babies, not children, not necessarily pregnant and postpartum people). The skills learned in this class may be combined with what you already know and do or may be used as an effective stand-alone healing practice. This is the next step after CST – The Basics. It’s a general Craniosacral Therapy class for people who want more advanced tools for treating adults (not babies, not children, not necessarily pregnant and postpartum people). The focus of this class is to gain more technical skills and weave those skills seamlessly into the fabric of our intuition and intention. This class is a required prerequisite for the General CST Certification. It is also the required prerequisite for CST for Pregnancy Birth & Postpartum. There is no question that Craniosacral Therapy is beneficial during pregnancy and postpartum. Yet, there are so few people to do this work. I have spent years developing the techniques I teach in this class. I am passionate about enhancing mobility in pregnant bodies. This includes the bony pelvis, the abdominal organs, plus the support structures and lower segment of the uterus. Emotions are NOT separate from the physical, spiritual or energetic. We all store our life experiences in our bodies. Because CST techniques are both gentle and powerful we can efficiently access the deepest places. We also carry the potential to unlock and resolve the trauma residue stored in the tissues. During a treatment clients may laugh, cry or remember something that previously was beyond conscious reach. This is the location of the deepest work and the moment of opportunity for the most profound change. This monthly gathering is an opportunity to build skills, practice therapeutic dialog techniques and continue our own healing in a supervised peer group. This monthly group experience is free and only open to people who have studied Supporting Emotional Release with Carol Gray. Professional ethics can be tricky. Everyone experiences ethical dilemmas. While these situations may have common themes, they can ambush us when they’re disguised as something new. They may seem similar to our personal ethical dilemmas, but they might require different actions. Classes with Carol Gray must be taken in sequence. All sequences begin with Subtle Hands-On Skills. We keep our class schedules up to date. We encourage you to contact us if you would like to be placed on a waiting list for any classes. Subtle Hands-On Skills
CST - The Basics
CST - Beyond The Basics
CST for Pregnancy Birth & Postpartum
Supporting Emotional Release
Supporting Emotional Release Study Group
Professional Ethics for Bodyworkers
Class Sequences
Class Schedules
Students who are registered for in-person classes are required to agree to and abide by the Carol Gray Center for CST Studies COVID-19 Safety Protocols.
We encourage you to contact us if you would like to be placed on a waiting list for any classes. Our Waiting List Policy.
Please feel free to check in with us if you have questions.